Media Appearances

Lindsay regularly appears on global and domestic TV and radio programs and is frequently quoted in print regarding the intersection of national security, technology, and AI. Her recent research has been covered in exclusives by the New York Times and Washington Post.

Recent media & press include:

| Recent Interviews

| Selected Quotes in Press

  • “Lawmakers Blast TikTok’s C.E.O. for App’s Ties to China, Escalating Tensions”, by Cecelia Kang, David McCabe, and Sapna Maheshwari, The New York Times (March 23, 2023) — “The future of TikTok in the U.S. is definitely dimmer and more uncertain today than it was yesterday,” said Lindsay Gorman, head of technology and geopolitics at the German Marshall Fund and a former tech adviser for the Biden administration. “It’s not just one side of the aisle clamoring for TikTok to address these national security concerns, but this is now coming from all sides.”

  • “Congress Is Giving Billions to the Chip Industry. Strings Are Attached,” by Ana Swanson, The New York Times (August 3, 2022) — Lindsay Gorman, the senior fellow for emerging technologies at the German Marshall Fund’s Alliance for Securing Democracy, said the bill would put the United States on a more even footing with China, which has spent vast amounts to subsidize its industries. “We’ve taken our innovation advantages for granted,” she said, adding that “there’s nothing like a dedicated competitor to snap us into action.”

  • “Chinese genetics company targets US despite political tensions”, by Jamie Smyth and Demetri Sevastopulo, The Financial Times (April 18, 2023) — Lindsay Gorman, head of the technology and geopolitics team at the German Marshall Fund of the United States, said MGI’s spin-off from BGI could become an issue of interest for US authorities if clear ownership ties remained between the companies. “It has become a common modus operandi for Chinese companies to spin off companies from parents that have garnered some policymaker concern and brand them as something different but retain ownership or financial ties,” she said.

  • “Some Democrats worry crackdown on TikTok could hurt party”, by Meryl Kornfield, The Washington Post (April 16, 2023) — “What was once a place for lip syncs and dances has become a hub for political and news content,” said Lindsay Gorman, a senior fellow at the Alliance for Securing Democracy who studied campaign messaging on TikTok during the midterms, adding that “2024 will be the election where political content really has an impact on TikTok.”

  • “TikTok Data Concerns in Congress,” BBC News (March 25, 2023) — Lindsay Gorman, senior fellow for emerging technologies at the Alliance for Securing Democracy at GMF, joined BBC on Thursday, March 23, to discuss the House Energy and Commerce Committee’s hearing with TikTok CEO Shou Chew.

  • “TikTok and its CEO are fighting to save the app in the US,” by Catherine Thorbecke, CNN (March 23, 2023) — Lindsay Gorman, a senior fellow for emerging technologies at the German Marshall Fund’s Alliance for Securing Democracy and a former Biden administration adviser, said that “by and large, TikTok’s lobbying efforts so far have been pretty ineffective.” 

  • “The Agency at the Center of America’s Tech Fight With China,” by Ana Swanson, The New York Times (March 26, 2021) — “It’s a very complicated relationship between the economic and national security interest,” said Lindsay Gorman, a fellow for emerging technologies at the German Marshall Fund. “The fine line the Commerce Department has to walk is protecting against national security risks that may not be top of mind for the industry in the short run, without killing the golden goose.”

  • “Where Are The Deepfakes In This Presidential Election?” by Tim Mak & Dina Temple-Raston, NPR (October 1, 2020) — “That actually was manipulated using deep learning-based technology,” said Lindsay Gorman, the Emerging Technologies Fellow at the Alliance for Securing Democracy, about the Biden video. “And I would classify that as a deepfake.”

  • “TikTok CEO Is Pressed on App’s Chinese Ties at Congressional Hearing, Defends User-Data Security”, by John D. McKinnon and Ryan Tracy, The Wall Street Journal (March 23, 2023  — “The TikTok battles are indicative of the end of an era,” said Lindsay Gorman, a senior fellow for emerging technologies at the Alliance for Securing Democracy at the German Marshall Fund, and a former White House adviser. “This era where U.S.-China business relations can continue absent considerations of geopolitics is over,” she said. “Today that struggle for geopolitical power is playing out over technology infrastructure, including TikTok.”

  • “Bloomberg Surveillance: Early Edition,” Bloomberg (March 24, 2023)  — Lindsay Gorman, Senior Fellow for Emerging Technologies at the German Marshall Fund’s Alliance for Securing Democracy, and Mandeep Singh, Senior Technology Analyst at Bloomberg Intelligence, discuss TikTok’s uncertain future after the company’s CEO Shou Chew defended the app to a hostile Congress.

  • “Gap grows between TikTok users, lawmakers on potential ban,” by Haleluya Hadero, AP News (March 26, 2023) — It’s because of TikTok’s large user base that Lindsay Gorman, a former tech adviser for the Biden administration who now works as a senior fellow for emerging technologies at the German Marshall Fund, says the Biden administration will likely pursue every option short of a ban first.

  • “What’s so dangerous about TikTok? NBC’s Jacob Ward talks to the experts”, MSNBC (March 30, 2023)  —“The right model here is less of a smoking gun and more of a loaded gun”, said ASD’s Lindsay Gorman. “I think if you were an intelligence service and you wanted to have the ability to spy on and build profiles on a significant portion of a population, there’s no better way you can do it than by creating this incredibly fun app.”

Disruptive technologies like generative AI have the potential to exploit asymmetries in the way democracies and autocracies depend on, use, and misuse information. That there is an objective truth is also critical to the scientific enterprise.

If generative AI is used to further blur the lines between fact and fiction; if quality information does not look meaningfully different from fakes, spoofs, or the patently false, at risk is a degradation of a common knowledge base, a shared sense of reality, and shared view of history as well. Democracy needs all of these.

As a society, we need to shore up our repositories of knowledge and ensure that as generative AI finds its way into mainstream applications, we can continue to tell what’s real from what isn’t. For starters, that means designing authenticity architectures and building tools into products from the get-go.” 

-Lindsay Gorman, quoted in “Is Generative AI Underhyped?” (Trusted Future, February 23, 2023)